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  1. Official A90 Supra life cycle thread: updates, new variants, 2026 final model year?

    S&P500 index funds will out-perform pretty much any car a mortal can afford. It's so weird looking at a CUL rear end with a black badge. You should definitely get a USDM red supra badge. There will probably be quite a few bubble wrapped versions in the 2050s. People do this all the time...
  2. Anyone install a Clutch-Stop for their MT?

    I've been thinking about getting one of these too. Most of my old cars engaged off the floor with almost no dead zone, so I found the extra 3-4 of pedal travel annoying at first. But since i got rid of all of my other cars, leaving just the Supra, I've gotten used to it.
  3. Finally buying tires

    "Being stupid" includes driving with the slightest bit of snow or ice on the ground. This is how I plowed my WRX through a stop sign. Luckily, nobody was around, but it was still pretty scary.
  4. I Love Smoking Big Trucks

    I had some guy in a RAM riding my ass getting on the onramp. I was going a constant 65, I know this onramp well and it tightens up quite a bit near the end. The dude went from on my ass to tires squealing and understeering like crazy. I'm still just casually driving like I'm making a right...
  5. Anyone cross shop an Integra Type S?

    Acura's design language is the best in the biz right now. It took a little bit for me to come around, but now that I've seen enough Integras and TLXes running around, I've been able to appreciate them.
  6. 2023 MT Supra Clutch Replacement Options

    I thought the Supra outsold the Z4 by something crazy, like 2:1.
  7. MT revs upwards when hard driving in between shifts

    Yeah, I see what you mean now.
  8. MT revs upwards when hard driving in between shifts

    Bringing data like a boss... So you declutched, and just left it in gear? Then after 2 seconds (?), the engine revs back up? Kind of makes sense. If you're cruising in second, declutch to come to a stop, but don't move the gear lever, after some amount of time, the car probably assumes you...
  9. Less than expected dyno results.

    It's not a big deal, so long as the operators got the gear ratios configured correctly. You do 1:1 because that's technically the most efficient gear ratio, but the difference is negligible and well within the margin of error. Sometimes operators have to use a lower gear because the wheel...
  10. Driver Seat only moves in increments when holding the button

    Yeah, this happens to me all the time. This is a safety feature to keep the seat from adjusting too much while you're driving. Put the car in park before hitting the button and this shouldn't happen anymore.
  11. Manual Supra vs Porsche 968

    The Supra won't compare to a Porsche in terms of driving feel. It will be really fast, far more than you'll be willing to push it on the street. And it is, IMHO, extremely fun to push hard, but there's no denying it has a video game or simulator vibe to driving it. Planetary automatics have...
  12. MT revs upwards when hard driving in between shifts

    Yeah, I think this is an auto-rev match bug. The trans is probably sending a first gear signal to the ECU, when shfiting, which the ECU then interprets as "rev to 6600rpms". It might be that you "bounced" off second, hitting the first gear gate briefly, triggering the signal, or something like...
  13. How much did a supra Turbo cost in 1992?

    The SC300s also had a longer wheelbase, 106" vs 100", which doesn't sound like a lot, but its roughly the difference between a BRZ (101") and a Mustang (107")
  14. Anyone cross shop an Integra Type S?

    Tires make the Supra "slow" on track. The Supra wears a tires that several generations old while the Type S runs the Pilot Sport 4S. Even still, the 23 ran LL 9 seconds faster than the ITS (and 3 faster than the CTR on Cup 2s). Tires are a basic mod that's going to improve track times...
  15. 2020 Downshift Blue

    OP is in Canada. There could be subtle changes in the names of packages or paint colors as well as a difference in what options are available.
  16. BM3 OTS E50 log

    Seems reasonable for a OTS tune. There's a few more PSI to be had. The logs indicate that you're holding peak boost a little longer on the street than you were on the dyno, so you might have been slightly heatsoaked.
  17. What did you do to your Supra today?

    Yeah, I love those wheels.
  18. Re: Manual Transmission, is there a warning to prevent over rev AKA money shifting?

    You'd think manufactures would put lockouts like they do on reverse to at least 1 & 2.
  19. Cincinnati/Northern KY 🏎️ & ☕️

    Looks like you all had fun! I didn't see this soon enough of I would have come and dragged by buddy with his R32 Skyline. Next time.
  20. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    I think this says a lot about Teslas. All these people used to love enthusiast cars and are quite happy with Model 3s. It must mean the Model 3 has a lot going for it.
