Search results

  1. DYNO Testing Session - Recommendations?

    I'll be DYNO testing the Supra this week, after having them accidentally break the rear ride height sensor the first time. Any recommendations on what feedback I can provide them regarding strapping the car down, i.e. strap to this area, but not this... etc? I'm all set with the "how to"...
  2. DYNO Testing???

    What gear (8 speed Auto) are you testing the Supra in? I realize 1:1 is the standard, but 6th gear seems awfully high (top speed wise). Thanks in advance.
  3. Recommended Alignment Specs?

    Looking for recommendations for alignment specs. Mostly spirited canyon (mountain) driving, but plenty of 1/4 mile track time too. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  4. BMW M240ix ECU - Unlocking?

    Is a 2022 BMW M240ix ECU locked in the same manner as the post-June 2022 Supra ECUs, i.e. does it require a FEMTO unlock, or a simple bench DME unlock? Thank you.
  5. Soot from exhaust?

    I'm looking for recommendations on how to / products that will help remove exhaust soot that has stained the white panels. A simple wash, and clay bar does not help. Thank you.
