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    MHD BEF and JB4 is a great combo. It was about 60rwhp more and a bunch of tq as well using the two vs an OTS map for MHD. Iā€™m sure you can get there on a custom MHD map but I love the flexibility of tweaking with the Jb4 and not having to keep reflashing or getting tune updates and then...
  2. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    that is bonkers for a Corolla i donā€™t care how cool it is.
  3. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Amen to that brother! Very privileged down there some might say more money then sense but we will see I really hope it turns out ok. as they say ā€œ not my monkey not my circusā€ šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m really trying to suppress the itch to go buy something else. Itā€™s like withdrawals. Cold sweats. Browsing...
  4. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Oh man I really hope not that would be heartbreaking
  5. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Oh bro I thought you were a real trollā€¦ turns out just a poser. Now let the adults get back on topic.
  6. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    See there is that confusion again. You just canā€™t seem to keep up can you? See this is just fun now. You came into my thread trolling (the epitome of insecure look at me behavior) trolling for reactions gulping down the hot mess you need to get you through the day. Your like a tick that doesnā€™t...
  7. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Oh look heā€™s trying so hard but lands on the same witless banter he started with. Your like a cute 5 year old stuck on the same sentence for an hour. See I work from home, which is quite lovely with an incredible view and iā€™m getting paid, a lot, to sit here and mentally smack your feeble...
  8. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    But not as lame as your comebacks. Work harder, do better. If youā€™re gonna troll at least be good at it. Jeez man that is fuggin weak sauce. I thought you might have some teeth bro but turns out your just gumā€™n it.
  9. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    I like the Highland I hope the interior fiber optic lighting carries through the rest of the lines. I do miss that from the Mercedes and I was really hoping that would have made it from the Z4 to the Supra but it seems Toyota left that part out.
  10. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Yes, see English is funny like that, their is this thing called a colloquialism. You know what that is right? Of course you donā€™t or you wouldnā€˜t have pointed out how I phrased ā€œI could care lessā€. So hereā€™s an English lesson. You see colloquial speech is most commonly used amongst friends...
  11. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    So far youā€™ve added absolutely nothing constructive or insightful to this conversation. Some might even think your just being onerous for the sake of being onerous. Your like a toddler that doesnā€™t want to go to bed and argues in incoherent babble that has nothing to do with the conversation.
  12. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Funny plot twist to that story. His Mom loaded the JB4 app on her phone! She controls the power. Apparently neither son nor father can be trusted with it šŸ˜œ
  13. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    I see your confusion now, you think iā€™m defending my purchase. Iā€™m not I could care less what you think. See there is that small mindedness rearing itā€™s ugly head again. I simply posted a nice goodbye statement and it just so happens I had already bought 2 Teslas. Now the Tesla conversation does...
  14. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    @ColonelAdama Yea sure did. Contractor in Naples got it for his sons 15th birthday šŸ˜³ I was a little concerned but I wrote up 3 pages of instructions on how to take care of it, how to do the fueling, what maps he can run with what fuel, the full mod list, everything I could think of. At first I...
  15. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Ah yes ever the ā€œbig manā€ lets throw disparaging comments and attack the person when our ego has been utterly deflated and are clearly outclassed. Ever the petulant child doesnā€™t know when to bow out and let it go. Such a myopic view and provincial state of mind. I know youā€™ll probably need to...
  16. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    No not at all because I drive an EV, its easy, Iā€™m just better. Nothing personal or EV about it.
  17. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Iā€™m sorry was there a point there somewhere? Iā€™m movin on to bigger and better things I know small minds like yours that is hard to comprehend but donā€™t worry grasshopper youā€™ll get there eventuallyā€¦ or maybe you wont.
  18. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    LOL the last thing I need to do is justify anything to anyone Iā€™ve owned more vehicles then you could ever dream of and some youā€™ve had wet dreams about šŸ˜‚ hell my cigar budget is probably more then youā€™re car budget šŸ˜
  19. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Yup and there is nothing wrong with that. I would add safety as well. The Model Y is one of the safest vehicles on the road. 5 Star rating All the way around. Hell a guy drove one off a cliff with his family in it and they all survived. Crazy. As we get older that kinda stuff matters too and...
