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  1. Triple Seven CF hood vent installed

    Here are some of the whole car with it
  2. Triple Seven CF hood vent installed

    Prepped yesterday and just finished. I think it looks great. Thought? @razorlab thanks for all the tips!
  3. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    Sorry. I started a new job after taking months off and it's taking ALL my time right now. I sent them pictures of my setup preinstall and they custom made the lines to fit. So mine don't look exactly like yours.
  4. Hybrid turbo sizes

    I see what you did there
  5. Results for DI & DAW Ultra Flow R

    This is so fucking weird. Why don't they just contact me? They know I'm having issues and they have ALL my contact info. It's just bizarre
  6. Results for DI & DAW Ultra Flow R

    I'm still having issues getting the tune straight. my tuner has been patient but it's kind of out of his hands. we're sitting at 600/600 and it's drivable, but we can't push the ethanol higher than E52. If you go by Spool's published info on my setup, I should easily be able to push straight...
  7. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    Here's the video they made... going to redo with new tune. Hoping this weekend.
  8. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    I haven't. Long story short (maybe not that short), it took Sameh 18 runs to dial in the Spool FX400x and 350IFX (stage2) injectors. He wasn't happy and I completely misunderstood one of his comments. I thought we were only running E52 due to the amount of 93 I had in the tank. That was...
  9. FS ETS 4" exit Catted Downpipe - new

    I'm selling a brand new ETS catted downpipe that I bought with their exhaust, which I love. I didn't realize it was catted. Ended up going with a DAW catless dp with the same 4" exit. Please understand what you are buying. This will Not mate up to factory sized exhaust systems. You must...
  10. AA catted downpipe

    Good luck with your sale. I tried to sell AA DP locally (Maryland) but ended up having to ship. Got what you're asking minus shipping.
  11. zrk / a90_nojz Build

    Smh... that's what all the bitties say
  12. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    Got the numbers. Will post everything in a fresh thread. On vacation so I haven't even reviewed everything yet. We did NOT max out the fuel system. Now the turbo on the other hand lol. Sameh pushed that little baby DAW flow max as far as it would go. Could have gone a little further with...
  13. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    Numbers coming soon... assuming there are no issues.
  14. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    Will do. I'm on vacation and will be back tomorrow. Will send pictures this weekend.
  15. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    Oh, and it's literally (finally) on the dyno right now. Sameh is finishing up the 93 map. Flex is next and he's targeting E65-75. The local pump is constantly around E75 but there will probably be a little 93 left in the tank, which will obviously dilute E mixture.
  16. GR Supra 101: Routes to big power

    I mentioned above that I'm running a DAW catless true 4" exit. I wasn't sure if I could handle the additional smells of going catless but it doesn't bother me at all and really isn't that bad. I bought this after I bought the ETS full setup. That is their catted downpipe with 4" exit and their...
