Search results

  1. How new is your Supra?

    I have a 2020 and don't drive it as much as I would like. It sill looks new, no dings etc and only has a little over 6,000 miles (3 oil changes lol). And when I get in it, it still smells like a new car. When I take it out and run it in the sport mode, even the engine smells new. Still like a...
  2. Are there any aftermarket headlight for the Supra? Or OEM when the LED goes out?

    Title pretty much says it. I tried doing a search but didn't find anything. I should phrase it, how to change the lights if they burn out? Does the entire module need to be changed at 1400 each or can the lights be changed out?
  3. Tire pressure 2020

    What tire pressure are you running with stock tires? With the balance of the Supra, are you running anything different front to rear?
  4. Has anyone found that replacing the aluminum support bar behind the seats improves performance?

    I got support for the strut towers in the front of my 2020 and noticed a bit of difference, which I like. Any real notice on replacing the bar behind the seats?
  5. How to code to turn off daytime headlights?

    Is there any coding for this? I know I can turn them off on the panel but I often forget and would prefer not to have them on during the day. Turning this off on mine in Idrive, doesn't show up. ?
  6. Supra updates?

    Does anyone know if there has been an update put out for the computer in the Supra? Just curious and the dealer I bought from doesn't know.
  7. Where to get good touch-up paint?

    Sadly, and I have no idea how, I have a few chips on my door edge. I have nitro yellow and have the code but what is a good company that specializes in this. Toyota here doesn't have it and it would take 3 weeks to get any. Nitro Yellow = (B21). Aka BMW Atacama Yellow - 51-91-2-360-694 =...
  8. Windshield and chips, so easy with the 2020 and cleaning the Windshield is horrible.

    I have at least 5 small chips already on the front windshield. Having driven for many years in all kinds of conditions, and far worse, with small rocks etc, this glass seems to chip so much easier than anything I have had in the past. It is very frustrating. Even my FJ Cruiser with it upright...
  9. Applying decals on the brake calipers and cleaning them.

    I got some nice decals for the brake calipers. I watched one video, and in applying them, to clean the area, alcohol was used. Seems totally reasonable to me. So I got the area ready, wiped it off and then sprayed a little on a rag and wiped. Wow, red paint came off. I am surprised that it had...
  10. Battery.

    Battery charging, condition at time of purchase and warranty has been discussed a few times here. I have posted that I got my Nitro, and was told that the battery had been replaced, because after I drove it, they tried to start it (days later and needing to move it) and it wouldn't start. After...
  11. What do you think is the best battery charger for the Supra?

    The title pretty much says it. I have seen some different chargers for the battery, and was wondering what personal experience has shown to be a good charger for both regular and then trickle charging.
  12. Engine Temp. what have you noticed your 2020 running at?

    I got the app and the ability to see engine temp and other features and notice it is in the red most of the time, just a little above 220. This is going down the road with an outside temp of around 70 or so.
  13. Using the OBDLink MK+ and Bimmercode

    I have purchased both, and have the BT working but can't find the place for the code for the vehicle or how to connect correctly even thought the BT says connected. I have the Bimmercode installed on my phone and the app from the company for the OBDLink. Any ideas?
  14. People tailgating and coming in close when driving the 2020?

    I have noticed that people come in close when I am driving the Supra, tailgate and cut in close, behind and in front. They don't do that with my FJ, not anything like this, anyway. My wife said, they want to see the car but it isn't really that. I have seen older people, older women, who could...
  15. Is the 2020 clear coated?

    I first did detail on mine, and got a little yellow, so it seems not (I don't care for clear coat) but I am still not sure. I asked the dealer, they don't know, as usual. I enjoy waxing my car, but not the FJ Cruiser (too large and hard to do the top) and like working with the paint with...
  16. Who know what the little orange Triangle is?

    I looked in the manual but can't figure it out. It comes on when I drive but goes off when I stop. Not the bigger one for speed but the little one next to it.
  17. Found a glass screen protector for the screen.

    Found one that fits the rectangular area on the screen on Amazon. Just put in the MM of height and width and it comes up. I have hardly used the screen and already the cheap thing has a few scratches. This really sucks that they would put such garbage in the car. Even cheap DAPS come with...
  18. A dealer has a Supra in concrete, a new color. Has anyone seen this?

    I have never seen or heard of this color but the dealer says it is new out?
