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  1. M2 Comp a league above MKV? article says as much

    Hahaha, what? Did you type that all by yourself, or did you get an adult to insert the big boy grammar for you? If you were "serious-minded" about the car, you'd have test drove both, and formed your own opinions. You are just here to be a clown. We get it, the C300 forum has probably all but...
  2. M2 Comp a league above MKV? article says as much

    Do you even own a Supra? Anyone who joins a forum to stir the pot on a car they don't own is...wait for it...a troll.
  3. Official A90 Supra life cycle thread: updates, new variants, 2026 final model year?

    Exactly. Pretty funny reading the comments on there also. Big surprise all Supra haters, and surprisingly, all their profile pics are garbage vehicles 🤣
  4. Less than expected dyno results.

    Yea bro, not the size of the wave, but the motion in the ocean, uh er something..:p
  5. What did you do to your Supra today?

    Uhhh need stats on that kit. That front bumper makes the front look like a Gallardo. But, in a good way, and better. That front nose being more angular looks awesome. 👍🏻
  6. Mimosa's Juicy Street Build

    I knew it!! Haha was gonna guess this the other day. Congrats!! Awesome
  7. Supra vs 18 wheeler

    Except in Texas, they fuckin drive in the left lane going 25 under the speed limit. Or, both lanes directly next to eachother for exactly 9 million miles.
  8. Which color calipers?

    AI is like that annoying try hard kid in class, that still manages to only get a B. Adding all kinds of extra body lines and shit, instead of just following the teachers directions. 🤣 *green calipers would look good on white tbh though
  9. Stock tires slowly going flat

    Oh shit, 33 times huh?! That's a lot of tires.
  10. Stock tires slowly going flat

    As @JTN said, might be the case. Unfortunately, it may be due to a small puncture that isn't noticeable. If it's losing pressure sporadically, it may be because when the tire is rotated a certain way it covers up the leak. Then, when you move the car and next time it sits, it doesn't sit on the...
  11. Anyone in SoCal have AWE Race Catback with a downpipe?

    Cops are so lame out there. I've had numerous friends get pulled over in Orange County. When I used to live in California, I avoided any extended time with loud exhaust in that area. And yes, they tend to gravitate towards burnt tips 🙄 Meanwhile, exotics can fly by mostly unmolested. Also, as...
  12. Sunday I say Goodbye to the Supra

    Hey man, I got dusted by a Honda Odyssey back when I had my FR-S lol
  13. Getting “buy 3 tires get 1 free” promotions in the mail

    I've had a discount tire location match Toyota's tire promos before. I'd try that, discount tire is much easier to work with and have better deals usually.
  14. Meanwhile in Z land..

    The Z DOES seem to have some good value now. It apparently NOW comes with a sex doll AND a genuine Swifty fan.
  15. Meanwhile in Z land..

    Nissan is throwing those in now, to entice the Nissan fan bois to want to buy a Z.
  16. To M2 or not to M2

    Definitely improves it a bit. But yea my thoughts are, you shouldn't HAVE to get major aftermarket body parts on a new car, just to make it acceptable.
  17. Nissan Z vs Toyota Supra

    Haha yep. And I'd take the 86, in a heartbeat over the Z.
