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  1. Eminent collision automatic break system

    Merging into high traffic highway, I was looking at the side mirror. Did not realize a car front of me broke suddenly. Rapid warning went on, I quickly steered left to avoid the collision. But right before doing so, automatic break did apply. I wonder what if I did not steer at all.. Anyone has...
  2. Who has a ton of interior rattles?

    Squeaky noise from LCD area. If I push the bezel, it stops but comes back again.
  3. It has been a fantastic but short ride...

    Tesla EVs look like beluga whale.
  4. So... I took my car in for service.

    I just got the update as well, had to with a problem with breaking distance at start up. The screen is now full screen but I kinda liked the split screen.. does anyone know how to switch back to the split view???
  5. All Supra racing in Korea

    Sorry no translation.
  6. Help with negotiating tactics

    I bought 2021 Premium 3.0 turbulence gray. I usually take fair price data from KBB and just tell them to match it. I bought it Dec of 2020 and KBB did not have any data for 2021 models. So I took 2020 model data which was $4500 less MSRP and the 3rd dealer i dealt with, in NJ, agreed and made...
  7. Disabling Active Sound Design without Coding

    Thx for the good post, you mentioned that ASD is only active in sport mode. Just making sure, So.. even if you disable the ASD cable, in the normal mode, will not make any difference? In other words, in normal mode the sound is 100% natural?
