Search results

  1. For those of you that are LOWERED with a FRONT LIP...

    It's a commitment as others have said. Have to plan routes, take alternate entrances, etc. I'd take mine off but it looks too good lol
  2. Lowering springs -- I'm somewhat disappointed

    I had issues with springs for months before biting the bullet on coils. Itā€™s 100% worth the extra cost. I went with S3 as they offer the best bang for buck imo (they also come with swift springs). The difference in overall feel is dramatic, springs felt very bouncy where as coils really planted...
  3. Official NOCTURNAL BLACK Supra Club Thread

    I've had two in black and now I can't picture having another color. Definitely takes some effort to keep clean but it really gives the Supra an elegance
  4. about to pull the trigger, nonrefundable deposit

    Auto should be easier to source in general. I know it's a hassle but I would check the stock on Toyota's website consistently and call every dealer within a radius you are willing to travel to. Even better if you're willing to ship the car. I did that for 3 months and eventually found my car...
  5. SoCal Inland Empire Meetups!

    Yes it is
  6. SoCal Inland Empire Meetups!

    Iā€™m working on getting a group together for Sunday Steel this weekend if anyoneā€™s interested
  7. Just moved to SoCal, Any supra friends?

    A few of us are gonna cruise over to the meet at 405 motoring tomorrow morning if anyone is free and wants to join!
  8. Manual Supra Shift Knob Options out there?

    Not too close!
  9. Manual Supra Shift Knob Options out there?

    Yeah I wasn't too sure at first but wanted to give it a try. After a few days feels completely normal and I dig it! Also really easy to just take the extender off lol
  10. Manual Supra Shift Knob Options out there?

    Might be my favorite mod yet
  11. Suspension Sensor Part #?

    Sorry to bring back an old thread but did you ever figure this out?
  12. 2023 paint chipping at door

    Have a similar thing on my 23, random chips right on the edge of the door. Havenā€™t even noticed it in monthsā€¦just touch up and enjoy, youā€™re gonna get more annoying blemishes in time anyway
  13. "Hollow" Noise

    Manufacturer actually installed it and didnā€™t seem to have a quick answer for the noise unfortunately. Actually gonna be taking it in for a diagnostic check at a shop next week
  14. "Hollow" Noise

    Yeah sort of a hallow thump. Definitely more noticeable over uneven pavement but the roads arenā€™t too smooth by me so hard to tell. Does not get louder based on speed but definitely on strange road texture
  15. "Hollow" Noise

    Hard to capture on vid sadly, cameras donā€™t seem to want to pick up the noise
  16. "Hollow" Noise

    Coils are from S3. No complaints as far as the coils themselves, they feel way better than just lowering springs. Such a strange sound to diagnose, can't imagine it's a wheel bearing. Tires are on a bit of a wider wheel but still stock.
  17. "Hollow" Noise

    Had coilovers installed by the company themselves. A really strange issue I'm having is this "hollow" noise coming from the front. Doesn't seem to get louder based on speed, but will change tones based on the road. It's pretty constant and really hard to explain lol Anyone ever experience...
  18. WTB Front Lip

    Located in SoCal, looking for something sub $400 (Maxton, EOS, etc.)
  19. 2023 Stock Wheels

    Hereā€™s some updated pics of all four
  20. OH my....people

    Iā€™m selling a set! Socal too
