How to Improve OE Sub Bass Quality and Eliminate Vibrations


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2022
Reaction score
In orbit
Hate to be a little late to the party, but I don’t know if this is just my experience, the sound system still sounds like dog with the EQ and subwoofer mod. Could this possibly be because of a revision to the sound system on the newer cars?
It depends on your expectations. In my MY23 with the JBL premium sound system I found the mod to be a relatively minor but worthwhile upgrade. The improvement was largely around improving the bass and reducing some distortion/strange resonances it could cause on occasion. The improvement wasn't earth shattering but it did eradicate the aforementioned resonances and while not very deep, the bass sounds relatively good to my ears. I'm not particularly into window shaking bass of course, so your expectations my be different.

My complaint - even after the Tadda mod - is that the mid-range is still quite muddy. This is likely a speaker or amp limitation so fixing this would probably mean going all in which I really can't be bothered with at the moment. And just to be clear, almost any proper aftermarket system (not BAVSound) will leave the stock Supra system for dead - my relatively inexpensive decade old custom Focal setup in my other car does just this! As it stands, the JBL package coupled with the Tadda mod is what I would call the low end of acceptable. If you want better, you're probably going to need to apply some real time and money.

